Leinster Hockey Annual General Meeting

Leinster Hockey Annual General Meeting

May 22, 2024

The following notice  was circulated to Clubs, Honorary Life Members, Committees in respect of the Leinster Hockey Annual General Meeting.

Clubs can register their delegates with admin@leinsterhockey.ie

Annual General Information Pack - Click Here

Proposals for Annual General Meeting - Click Here

Notice of Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of “The Leinster Hockey Association” will take place on 11th June 2024 at 7pm via teleconference.

The Agenda for the meeting is as follows:

1.            Apologies

2.            Confirmation that a quorum of accredited delegates is present

3.            Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous AGM

4.            Matters arising

5.            Annual Report of the Board of Directors (and Committees)

6.            Financial Report with audited accounts

7.            Adoption of the Accounts

8.            Election of Auditors

9.            Election of Members to the Board (12)

10.         Record the level of Affiliation Fees for the 2024-25 season as determined by the Board

11.         Proposals for amendments to the Articles of Association, Memorandum of Association and matters that require 75% majority

12.         Proposals for amendments to Byelaws of the Association (requires a simple majority)

13.         General Business


Nominations or Proposals for consideration at the AGM must be forwarded in writing to the LHA Honorary Secretary within 7 (seven) days of the issue of notice of the AGM. Nominations must indicate the position being sought and the name of the nomination body or person. Nominations and Proposals may be made by [a] The Board [b] A Director [c] An affiliated club/member [d] Proposals may also be made by any LHA Section or Sub-Committee.



Nuala Houlihan

Company Secretary

21st May 2024


The following notice  was circulated to Clubs, Honorary Life Members, Committees in respect of the ..


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